Monday 20 December 2010

Caring in the Snow

While Warwickshire grapples with the worst winter weather for several decades, there is a small band of heroines and heros who are working steadfastly through the artic conditions to ensure that the most vulnerable people in the county are still able to receive hot food and help with personal care.  They are the  County's care workers  some of who work for SureCare.

I have been so proud of  my care staff over the last weekend.  In spite of heavy snowfall, sub zero temperature, car breakdowns, slippery roads and illness they carried on to provide good care for our clients in very difficult conditions.  When the roads got too bad to drive, one of my carers set off on foot through the snowdrifts  to clients to ensure that they had care and were safe .  Another roped in family to drive her when her own car failed in the cold temperatures. Another was pushed out of snowdrifts twice in one day to carry on and complete her rota.

All their efforts were very much appreciated by clients who worried about their carers braving the weather to attend their calls. Carers are not the most well paid of workers but they surely are the most dedicated. We always say that  staff  at SureCare often go "the extra mile" to provide good quality care and they certainly  proved it this weekend!

Forecasters are predicting more bad weather on the way.  Lets take our hats off to these wonderful women and men who  don't let  little things like snowstorms and blizzards get in the way of providing comfort and care to the elderly and vulnerable.

For more information on SureCare please go to:

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