Wednesday 12 January 2011

Celebrating our 1st Birthday

It's hard to beleive that we are one year's old!  And what a year it's been!  Our first hurdle was to get the registration of our sevice with the Care Quality Commission  - that took eight weeks - but we got there and they passed us as fit for duty!  Then we got our spot contract with the Local Authority which took another few weeks and then we were good to go! 

It was an exciting time when we started to take on our first staff and clients and it was a steep learning curve!  Although I've worked in the voluntary sector and run organisations in the past I found  there is a big difference from having a set up organisation with all the equipment and operational procedures in place to starting from scratch and having to put everything into place from the kettle up!

A year on and our offices are fully functional and we even have a fully equipped training room!  Our office staff has expanded to include an administrator to keep the office running smoothly. We have a fantastic team of carers and a wonderful group of clients for whom its a previlige to provide a service. We have done some wonderful work with our clients with dementia and our knowledge and expertise is growing all the time.

On Tuesday 11th  the staff celebrated our first birthday with a specially made cake by Annie, one of our carers and we looked back with wonder and great pride at all we have achieved this year.   We just know the next year is going to be even more interesting and we look forwardin anticipation  to all the good things to come for our service.

For more information on SureCare please go to:

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