Thursday 4 February 2010

A Busy Week!

It's turned into a really busy and interesting week! 

On Monday I was very pleased to welcome  my new Care-Cordinator - Lynda .  She joins SureCare with a wealth of experience in domiciliary care and is going to lead on the operational side of the business.  Great to have her on board! We are going to be a formidable team!  In the picture below, I'm on the left and Lynda is on the right.

On Tuesday, Lynda's second day we had our very successful "Time for a Cuppa" Day which was really well supported and raised £103 in total.  It was a great opportunity for Lynda to meet some interesting people who work in our building as well as a number of our friends and colleagues in the 4Networking group to which I belong. Thanks to everyone who helped us by  making  cakes and made such generous donations to our chosen charity forDementia.

 This week Lynda and I are putting together our recruitment packs and literature and looking at the best way to recruit care staff.  We are looking forward to welcoming our first care support workers to the SureCare Warwickshire fold soon.  Watch this space!!

For more information on SureCare Warwickshire please visit our website:

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