Saturday 13 February 2010

Where is the Love? - Valentine's Day thoughts

Valentine's Day is a celebration of love and I would like to take the opportunity to think about love in my business.  In social care we do see a lot of people in difficulties, with illness, disability and difficult family situations.  However, there is also a lot of love in this business which isn't often recognised.

I often meet people who give up their jobs and livelihoods to look after a spouse or a parent or other member of the family.  Parents with a disabled child who dedicate their whole lives to  their child and never have time for themselves.  Neighbours and friends who give their time and compassion to those who need them even though they have their own lives and difficulties.  These are all carers whose love and dedication is needed to save the economy £81 bn each year yet get so little recognition for their  vital role in society. Lets think about carers on Valentine's Day.

Care Workers often get bad press  - I'm sure that many people will have seen  some of  the TV expose of bad domiciliary care agencies or read press reports of  cruel care  work practices. The really good Care Workers never get any press time.  I have met lots of wonderful care staff who work with great dedication, compasssion and loving kindness with their clients.  I'd like to celebrate these wonderful people who work in difficult conditions on low pay and without any recognition for the excellent work they do year in and year out.  In the recent bad weather many of these workers were true heroines and heros ensuring that their clients received a service even if it meant  walking through the snow for miles to get to a client's house.  Lets think about Care Workers on Valentine's Day.

There are many volunteers who work in social care providing a huge range of services which are vital to supporting people lives and well being. From providing talking books for the visually impaired to hot dinners for homeless people there are many many people who give their time for love and compassion for those who are less fortunate.  This pool of volunteers is getting smaller as fewer people are taking on volunteer roles and it often falls to older retired people to fill the gaps. Volunteers are also vital to our society and their work often goes unnoticed in our busy world.  Lets think about all the volunteers amongst us on Valentine's Day.

So there is a lot of love in social care and it seems an ideal time on Valentine's Day to think about all the people who work in our field with love and dedication.  I salute them all and wish them all a very Happy Valentine's Day!

For more information on carers please go to the SureCare website at

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